No Hate Speech Starts With Children

„World Without Hate – Youth for Human Rights“ was a project organized in Štip, Macedonia by NGO Minority Leaders for Society. SOS Europa participated as a partner. Our team learned a lot about No Hate Speech Movement, its importance and impact. Not long after their return, they transfered the gained knowledge to the other members of the NGO.
As a part of dissemination process, SOS Europa organized a meeting in elementary school with around 120 children and 30 members of school staff. The task was to promote No Hate Speech Movement using the skills Italian team gained during the project.
Children were introduced to the project and expressed their thoughts and opinions about diversity based on gender, nationality, race, age and similar. It was incredible to see acceptance and lack of prejudice at such a young age. The most noticable discovery of the meeting was a statement made by one 10-year-old.
„I asked my teacher to recomend me a book to read. She gave me Anne Frank Diary. I read it and like it very much. It was a good review of the bad times in the past and a great lesson for the future. Reading that book, we can understand what is bad and how to avoid causing it again.“ – he said.
Involved teachers appreciated our efforts and expressed wishes to continue cooperation. We are happy we could contribute their knowledge with useful information.

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