The project Save our Sport is inspired to Article 6 of the EU Treaty and Article 149 of the EC Treaty as amended by the Lisbon Treaty concerning the EU contribution to the promotion of European sporting issues while taking account of the specific nature of sport, its structures based on voluntary activity and its social and educational function.
The specific objectives are - Promote the role of sport against all forms of discrimination, - Promoting gender equality in sport - Promote the dissemination of sport
The needs emerged through stakeholder analysis. Each partner has analyzed needs within their organization.
Many of our members working with the LGBT Association in many sport and social projects, such as football matches against homophobia, the organization of the Italian gay Olympics, etc.
The other partners are keen on improving their ability to promote the inclusion and promote the rights and want to improve the quality of their actions, focusing on the promotion of sports. Many young people have expressed the motivation to deepen the sport as a tool for social inclusion.
Many young people interviewed asked to know the characteristics of the mobility projects, in particular EVS and European Solidarity corp. The partners denounced the lack of socio-educational animation projects in their local communities.
All partners already know each other having actively collaborated in previous projects Erasmus Plus, and after this project wants to cooperate again together in the future. The agenda is designed for 7 days, including information sessions, practical and experimental, with a strong focus on European realities.
The project will serve a platform to share experiences and best practices in the field of sport as a tool for social inclusion and to Promote the elimination of discrimination. Under the project, the participants will have the opportunity to explore and develop their skills and put them into practice with the creation of sessions and projects under the Erasmus + program. The main topics to be addressed will be: Sport, inclusion, human rights, non-discrimination, healthy lifestyles As a project developed on European level, in the field of youth work, it envisions long term cooperation through the follow-up strategy and multiplying effect.
We will shape the participants to contribute, to prepare and deliver in order to assist in the European wave of creating more acknowledged, skilled and re-active youth towards Human Rights problematic situations (in their communities, in Europe and in the world in general) After equipping our multiplying participants with the specific skills developed on the course, they will be able to influence our society’s attitudes and promote equality, democracy and inclusion in Europe.
MOVE! Murcia Spain
Il progetto è co-finanziato dal programma Erasmus Plus della Commissione Europea e riceverà un contributo economico di € 10.755,00