SOS Europa protagonista del progetto All Dreams Matter

Tra il 13 e il 20 gennaio 2019, 32 partecipanti hanno preso parte al corso di formazione a Mersin, in Turchia, da 11 paesi: Germania, Austria, Regno Unito, Turchia, Svezia, Macedonia, Cipro, Ungheria, Italia, Grecia e Spagna.

According to the statistics of the UNHCR, there are nearly 5 million registered Syrian refugees, who are displaced or changed their location due to the Syrian crisis that started in March, 2011.  Nowadays, one of the most important problems they face living in other countries is the access to education. Altogether, Human Rights Watch indicates in its report that there are 3 000 0000 Syrian children who cannot go to school. The current EU politics, in practice, is giving little consideration to their vulnerabilities and needs as children. Even the EU-Turkey Agreement clearly says that “due account must be paid to the situation of vulnerable groups, in particular, unaccompanied minors for whom all decisions must be in their best interests”.  Still many end up suffering inhumane treatment; they face cultural shock and trauma caused by obstacles trying to access education.

We believe this situation can be improved by introducing and developing non-formal learning methods and pedagogical approaches which will be put into practice by youth workers working with young refugees on a daily basis in refugee camps or youth centers.  Due to their current situation, the best way for their integration might be through non-formal learning methods, so they can socialize with other people using interactive activities, and learn the language of the country.

Therefore, in cooperation with 10 international partners, we designed the project "All Dreams Matter", which overall aim was to introduce new non-formal learning methods and pedagogical approaches in order to achieve higher inclusion of young migrants and refugees.

Between 13-20 January, 2019, 32 participants took part in the training course in Mersin, Turkey from 11 countries: Germany, Austria, UK, Turkey, Sweden, Macedonia, Cyprus, Hungary, Italy, Greece and Spain.

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