KA226 – Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness

Field Vocational education and training –

Main objective of the project Exchange of Good Practices

Project Reference: 2020-1-IT01-KA226-VET-008975

Call 2020 Round 1 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Start Date  01-03-2021 Project Total Duration 18 months

National Agency of the Applicant Organisation IT01 Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ – INAPP

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In Mom We Trust project aims to promote the self-entrepreneurship of new mothers in the field of project management applied to European funding.

The project was born from the need to be able to reconcile parent (mother) – worker times. It is thought, in fact, that the acquisition of this know-how can be an excellent basis for the

start of autonomous activities.

The specific objectives are:

1) Transfer to new mothers the know-how to orient themselves in the world of project management applied to Eu funding.

2) Promote, support and encourage the start-up of self-entrepreneurship and remote work.

3) Provide a permanent space for discussion and sharing of good practices.

The expected results are

1) Start-up of new (autonomous) businesses for new mothers in the field of Project management

2) Implementation of a network of professional mothers at European level.

On the one hand, mothers are prepared, competent and ready to take action in this area. On the other hand, institutions that need professionals at their side to obtain contributions

from the European Commission. Our task is to bring them together, to stimulate them, to ensure the effectiveness and professionalism of the work to be carried out.

The project involves 5 organisations from countries participating in the programme and 1 partner country (North Macedonia) also involves 12 participants with fewer opportunities and

includes 2 international meetings and 2 team building. A web portal will be created that will work even after the end of the project.

Ente coordinatore • E10007309 ASSOCIAZIONE SOS EUROPA Italy
Partner Internazionali • E10174265 ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL INITIATIVES FOR COOPERATION Bulgaria • E10146857 ASSOCIATION FOR PROGRESS, EDUCATION AND LOBBYING NEL SKOPJE The Republic of North Macedonia • E10042653 ASOCIATIA TINERILOR CU INITIATIVA CIVICA Romania • E10069180 NEANIKOI ORIZONTES M.K.O. Greece • E10180333 Asociación Multideportiva Euexia Spain
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During the implementation of this project, the participants decided to set up a network of European mothers working in the field of European funding and management.

If you want to contribute send an email to info@soseuropa.it