In Mom we trustNews

Ready to follow up the project In Mom We Trust

Megara, 11th June 2022

Press release closing meeting of the European Project “In Mom We Trust”

The 11th June 2022 the whole Consortium representatives gathered in Megara for the final meeting of the project In Mom We trust. The Closing meeting was a unique opportunity to retrace the pathway along which the project has been implemented, sharing the achieved results and the impacts generated thanks to the activities carried out during the 18 months of the project.

Sos Europa mentioned the creation of the Organization “SOS Mamme” as a relevant result of the project and a natural product of the impacts that “In Mom we Trust” had on some mothers members of SOS Europa that decided to focus on the topic of mothers and their self-empowerment and self- entrepreneurship. The Association SOS Mamme won also its first European project “Skilled moms” and represents an important and useful space of opportunities and exchanges for mothers.

The second part of the meeting was dedicated to the development of new ideas to follow up the exciting pathway and to concretely implement the great ideas emerged by the working groups during the two international meetings hold in North Macedonia and Bulgaria. Particularly two drafts of project that came out from the international training: “Mom as ambassador of sustainability” and “EnterpreMOMShip” perfectly follow up the main topic and deserve to be implemented to apply for the forthcoming calls for proposals.

The whole Partnership is proud for the achieved results and the good job implemented, and will continue with common efforts for new challenges.

Presentation Closing Meeting

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